10 Simple and Powerful Tactics to Get More Repins On Pinterest – BornToBeSocial.com – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest
10 Simple and Powerful Tactics to Get More Repins On Pinterest

10 Simple and Powerful Tactics to Get More Repins On Pinterest

10 Simple and Powerful Tactics to Get More Repins On Pinterest – If Pinterest is a vital part of your marketing strategy, then these simple tips can help you to increase the repin frequency of your pins on Pinterest. Repins are the most valuable Pinterest currency, because they can carry the link back to your website or blog. Amplifying your reach on Pinterest requires a variety of tactics and, at the beginning, a lot of patience. Here are 10 simple and powerful tactics to get more repins.

1 – Use vertical images

My number one recommendation for getting more repins is to pay attention to the format of your image. Pinterest displays images in its feed in columns. Horizontal pictures do not stand out since they take up less space. Vertical images attract much more attention and will have a much better chance of being repinned. Square images also work, especially if they are high quality. The more attractive your images are, the higher the chance that they will get shared by others.

2 – Pin regularly

Regular pinning increases your visibility. If you pin several times a day, your images will pop up in your followers feeds at regular intervals, thus increasing the possibility that pinners see your pins and repin them. Pin scheduling tools exist to help you with this. Never pin more than 3 images at a time, so that your pins do not dominate the feeds of your followers. This may be annoying to them and they may stop following you. Do not only pin images from your own website, but make sure you share and repin plenty of content produced by others.

3 – Repin popular pins

Visit the Popular Pins feed on Pinterest and check out the most popular repins. See which ones correspond to the themes of your boards and repin them. Do check the links of the images before you repin. I have found that sometimes, these popular images contain links to sites that are not related to the image and their popularity is just used to drive traffic to an unrelated website.

Astuce Pinterest BornToBeSocialHow to find the original source of a pin – Using Google, there is an easy way to find out the original source of the image. Have two browser windows open side-by-side, one with Google Image Search and another with the pinned image. Hover over the pin, then click and drag the image to the search box in the Google window. Google will provide a search results list. Check out each one to find the source.

4 – Include a call-to-action

According to Quicksprout, “there is an 80% increase in engagement for pins that contain a call to action.” You can add a call to action on your pin image or you can add a call to action to your pin description. For example, ask people to repin it if they like your pin.

5 – Post images & use keywords that attract your target audience

You are more likely to get repins if your pins reflect the interests of your target audience. These folks will follow you or they will find you through keyword search. Since their areas of interest correspond to your boards and pins, they are far more likely to repin from your account. Make sure you use keywords in your pin descriptions and your board titles that will make them show up in Pinterest search results.

6 – Pin infographics

Infographics are extremely popular on Pinterest. People love the visual presentation of facts since they are so quick to read. Additionally, the vertical format of an infographic makes it very attractive pinning material. Leverage this popularity by creating an infographics board and regularly pin to it. Create your own beautiful infographics and get it repinned over and over again. There are some great imaging tools around such as Canva or PicMonkey that make creating infographics a piece of cake!


7 – Join a group board

A group board works like a regular Pinterest board, except that other people are also allowed to pin to it. Group boards shows a small group icon to the right of the board title (see my example on the left). Find a group board in areas of interest related to your business and submit a request to join them. Choose boards that have a relatively large number of followers. Whenever you pin to a group board, your pin will appear not only in the feed of the people who directly follow that board, but also in the feeds of those that follow any of the board contributors. Result: exponential exposure and repin potential!

TIP! => Find group boards easily with PinGroupie.

8 – Cross promote on other social media channels

In addition to sharing your pins with your Pinterest followers, share them on other social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+. Whenever you can, include a pin link which leads back to your Pinterest account. This is a great way to attract new followers and get more repins.

9 – Pin It button

To enable pinning directly from your website, you should install a Pin It button on your website. Having the Pin It button appear when people hover over the images on your website will make them very easy to pin. Your visitors do not have to go searching for any other sharing buttons on your web page, but – in one click – will be directed to the Pinterest sharing dialog box. The easier you make it for your visitors to pin, the more repins you are likely to get.

10 – Timing matters

It is important to manage the timing of your pins as well as the time you spend pinning. Give yourself a time limit when searching for pins. It is so easy to lose track of time whilst searching for items to repin. As far as timing is concerned, there are definitely different peaks of activity on Pinterest that will directly impact the number of potential repins. Studies in the US show that there are more people on Pinterest in the afternoons and later evening. You may want to run some tests yourself to see what times of day give you more traffic and repins.

Are you going to try any of these tactics? Do they work for you? Leave me a comment. I would love to know!

10 Simple and Powerful Tactics to Get More Repins On Pinterest | via #BornToBeSocial


Mary Lumley | BornToBeSocial | Pinterest Marketing, Consulting & Training | Conseil Pinterest
10 Simple and Powerful Tactics to Get More Repins On Pinterest | Pin to Win Business!

Leave a Comment:

Jenny Lens says 18 July 2014

Result: I block pinners in group boards. I am tired of seeing irrelevant or worse, offensive pins on my wall. I don’t want to see extra pins merely because I follow a group board or worse, someone ADDS me to a group board. Not cool. I am spending more time blocking strangers than pinning. Not ethical. And I am not alone.

“Whenever you pin to a group board, your pin will appear not only in the feed of the people who directly follow that board, but also in the feeds of those that follow any of the board contributors. Result: exponential exposure and repin potential!” Not always!!

    Mary Lumley says 20 July 2014

    Hi Jenny – thanks for your comment.

    I am sorry to hear that you find you are receiving inappropriate content through group boards. It means that the board moderators of the boards you are subscribed to are not doing a very good job of keeping the content relevant to the board’s topic. In those cases, I would advise unsubscribing from the board to avoid unwanted pins in your Pinterest feed.

    I am not sure I understand your comment about getting added by someone else to a group board. Do you mean as a follower or as a contributor? You cannot be added as a follower unless someone else has access to your Pinterest account. To be added as a contributor to a group board, the pinner and the moderator need to follow each other’s boards. The moderator may send an invitation to the pinner to contribute to the board which he/she can decide to accept or not.

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