10 Tips to Grow Your Business Blog Readership with Pinterest – BornToBeSocial.com – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest
10 Tips to Grow Your Business Blog Readership with Pinterest - Born To Be Social

10 Tips to Grow Your Business Blog Readership with Pinterest

10 Tips to Grow Your Business Blog Readership with Pinterest – Any business that publishes blog articles, whether B2B or B2C, can use Pinterest to promote articles and drive more website traffic. Your business blog content probably feeds your social media content pipeline to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, but how about Pinterest? People are turning to Pinterest not only to look at things, but also to find articles to read. Are you optimising Pinterest to grow your audience? Here are some guidelines to make your blog articles highly shareable on Pinterest.

How to Promote Your Business Blog with Pinterest?

Include pin-worthy, eye-catching images in every blog post. Ensure that they are pinnable to one or more of your Pinterest boards and include a link to your blog. Vertical images work best and they must be of high quality. Add text to your images to grab attention. Put your website URL on the image, so that people can still get back to the source if the link is modified when repinned.

Pins containing text that promises to resolve an immediate problem tend to get more repins. For example, “How to Generate High Quality Leads for Small Businesses”? Naturally, if you want pinners to become regular blog readers, the blog content your image is linking to must be of high quality and meet the expectations set on the pinned image.

Have at least one board that is solely dedicated to your blog content. Use your blog title as your board title. It should be one of the first boards on your Pinterest page. This makes it easy for your followers to find your blog posts, and follow your blog board. It is also great for SEO!

By giving your pins clear descriptions and by including keywords you increase the chance your blog being found in search results. Use a conversational tone to describe the topic and add a call-to-action to increase click-throughs. Example: “How to land 3 or more new high fee clients each month? Click this pin to discover 10 easy lead-generation tips to take your business to the next level”.

Pinterest is a great source of referral traffic. This is due to the fact that content is never stored directly on Pinterest and thus it always directs users to content on other sites. Pinterest also does very well in Google search results. By the way, do check in your account settings (“Search Privacy”) that your pins are actually searchable.

Add the Pin It button to your blog to make it easier for visitors to pin your content directly from your website

Enable Rich Pins, and in particular, article pins for a business blog. It will automatically include the name of your website or blog, favicon, and the name of your post in your pins. You can find out more information about Rich Pins in my blog post How To Create Your Pinterest Business Account.

Have an interesting range of boards that will attract your target audience to your Pinterest page and make them want to follow you. Offer topic-based boards to educate your followers.

Feature your blog writers on a fun and personable board. Let your followers get to know the faces behind the articles. The better they know you, the more likely they are to engage on Pinterest and perhaps even subscribe to your blog.

Join group boards and pin your blog post images (eye-catching and vertical!) to these boards. They are an excellent way to increase exposure for your blog since these boards help more people see your pins. If you are posting to more than one group board, do not post to all boards at the same time. You will lose followers by taking up precious space on their home feed with identical images!

Create your own group boards and invite other industry experts to share information relevant to your target audience.

TIP! Find group boards easily with PinGroupie.

Engage on Pinterest. As a social marketer it is important to engage with your followers if you want to turn pinners into blog readers. Besides sharing great content, you can comment on pins posted by others, like pins, invite pinners to your group boards, follow back other pinners. When you follow each other, you can also send private messages.

Be active on other social media channels. Share your pins on other networks and connect with your pinners there. Put a system in place that alerts you whenever one of your pins is shared on another network.

Astuce Pinterest BornToBeSocialAdd a personalised hashtag to your pin descriptions, so that you can easily search for this hashtag and follow where your pins are being shared.

Respect the 80/20 rule: No more than 20% of pins should be your own content. Be generous in sharing content from other pinners or websites.

Pin regularly. Use a scheduling tool to spread your pins throughout the day and for different time zones.

Are you promoting your blog on Pinterest yet? Have your blog visits increased as a result? How do you use Pinterest to benefit your blog? Leave me a comment. I would love to know!

10 Tips to Grow Your Business Blog Readership with Pinterest | via #BornToBeSocial

Mary Lumley | BornToBeSocial | Pinterest Marketing, Consulting & Training | Conseil Pinterest
10 Tips to Grow Your Business Blog Readership with Pinterest | Pin to Win Business!

Leave a Comment:

Redspark Technologies Pvt. Ltd. says 26 December 2014

Loved reading the post. I agree with you with the new updates of search engines, focusing content is important but visual things have effects more impact. Moreover sharing the eye catchy images will make it viral and result to more traffic. I appreciate your efforts for drafting the post.

Mary Lumley says 26 December 2014

Glad you liked it! Thanks for taking time to comment.

Barbara Rivers says 4 May 2015

Great tips, thank you for sharing them! I wasn’t aware of the vertical picture preference, that’s good to know! I’m slowly expanding my Pinterest presence, but had focused on Twitter, FaceBook & Instagram first.

    Mary Lumley says 5 May 2015

    Thanks Barbara. Tall images work so much better on Pinterest! I see you added some to your latest blog post. To get a higher re-pin rate on Pinterest, you can also try adding some text to your images. The title of your blog post, for example. This is likely to grab attention and incite more people to repin 🙂

statut juridique sarl says 4 August 2015

Bonjour, je trouve votre blog très intéressant .
Très bon article.
Merci pour le partage.

    Mary Lumley says 4 October 2015


Laura McGowan says 30 September 2015

Hey, thank you. I found some great new tips here. Will implement right away 🙂

    Mary Lumley says 4 October 2015

    Thanks, Laura – You have a great Pinterest page!

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