Attract Perfect Clients for Hotel Wedding Services – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest

Attract Perfect Clients for Hotel Wedding Services

How to attract Pinterest Brides & Grooms to YOUR WEDDING SERVICES in 8 Easy Steps

Your Perfect Clients are on Pinterest

40M Wedding Planners Start with Pinterest. Do you?

If your customers are future brides and grooms, then Pinterest is THE platform to market your business. Your perfect clients spend a LOT of time pinning and planning their perfect wedding, but are they finding their way to the wedding services on your website?

Do you want…

  •  to be where most of your target audience hangs out?
  •  to inspire viewers to plan a wedding at your hotel?
  •  your services to get shortlisted on their “Perfect Wedding” board?
  •  to drive more traffic to your website?

Get pinners to say “yes” to your hotel wedding services with this easy 8-step action plan. Learn how to get YOUR venue or service on THEIR wishlist.

Pinterest is not a social network

Pinterest is a search engine, like Google – not a social network like Facebook. It requires special techniques to optimise the way your content is referenced so that your content shows up in pin feeds and search results.

Use keywords and images strategically, so that you turn up in search results and get click-throughs to your site.

People use Pinterest to save things for later. Pinterest is about being yourself, not your selfie! 87% of Pinners buy something because of content on Pinterest. It guides people through the shopping journey, from initial inspiration to the final purchase. 

Pinners use Pinterest to research purchasing decisions before buying.

Users can view your pins:

– in their homefeed

– by searching for a keyword

– in relevant categories (like “weddings”, “wedding planning”, “wedding venues”)

– on your actual profile, under themed/categorised boards​

This means that relevant, interested users can find your content organically, whether they’re following you or not.

Your Perfect Clients are on Pinterest

Mary Lumley - Pinterest Marketing Consultant

 Mary Lumley 

 Pinterest Marketing Consultant


Are you a hotelier, wedding planner, wedding photographer ? You’d better be on Pinterest, because that’s where your perfect clients hang out! Brides and grooms with high purchase intent start using it very early on in their decision-making process to plan their perfect wedding. Get them to say “yes” to your wedding services with Pinterest!

Try it. Results guaranteed!


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