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Your Perfect Clients

are on PINTEREST. Are you?

Grow site traffic | Attract new clients

Pinterest for Business Page Builder Pack! A 10-page guide to help you build a Pinterest page that will attract your perfect clients and get more traffic to your website | BornToBeSocial.com - Pinterest Marketing & Consulting

Build a Pinterest Page that Drives TARGETED TRAFFIC for Free!  Learn how to build a PERFECT Pinterest page that attracts YOUR DREAM CLIENTS…


 Mary Lumley 

 Pinterest Marketing Consultant 

Why market YOUR business on Pinterest?

Did you know that 75% of images (‘pins’) saved on Pinterest come from businesses? A pin lives on for months, even years, compared to a few minutes or hours on Twitter or Facebook. It continues to drive traffic back to your website long after posting it. How’s that for ROI?  

According to industry analysts, Pinterest has the potential to drive more sales than Facebook.

Here’s what you need to know…


Grow site traffic | Attract new clients

Did you know that Promoted Pins (Pinterest Ads) are the hottest new thing in the U.S.? They have proven to be extremely effective, because Pinterest users share purchase-intent data similar to Google. Pinterest is busy expanding its advertising beyond the US and the roll-out of Promoted Pins in Europe has started! So get ahead of the competition! 

Build a Pinterest Page that Drives TARGETED TRAFFIC.


BornToBeSocial – Pinterest for Business

You will find lots of tips and tricks to get you started on the BornToBeSocial blog.  Or, we can work together!

Need help to get started?  Want to drive more site traffic? Looking for Pinterest marketing expertise?

Health Check

You have a Pinterest Business page, but it is not generating the results you expect?

How about a BornToBeSocial Health Check?

Account Setup

Lack of time is stopping you from getting started or setting up initial page content?

Take a look at the Business Account Starter Package.


Want to learn how to use & optimise Pinterest to attract new business?

Learn how to become a Pinterest Pro!  


Need specific advice? Looking for a Pinterest marketing expert for a business project?

Contact me to discuss your specific requirements.

Let’s work together!

Become a Pinterest Pro with BornToBeSocial

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