How Pinterest Gets You Business – Marketing on Pinterest – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest

How Pinterest Gets You Business – Marketing on Pinterest

Marketing on Pinterest is like planting a garden

With one BIG difference


Conversion Focused Pinterest Marketing

Marketing on Pinterest is like cultivating a garden. The results are not immediate – you need to prepare the ground and wait for your plants to grow. The magic happens when your plants start to flower and their seeds (i.e. your content) drift and settle in other gardens (i.e. other people’s Pinterest boards). Stand by and watch your content spread. Reap the results for months, even years to come…

The difference is…

The seeds (your images) do not spread randomly. They settle in perfect gardens, because they have been chosen by people searching or browsing on Pinterest. They save them to boards (collections of images) related to specific areas of interest. Best of all, each image contains a link that can be traced back to their original source, i.e. your website. Always.

Pinterest is not like other platforms

People use it differently

Pinterest is a search engine, not a social media platform. It is where people plan their lives. They use it to search for information and inspiration by browsing through images or initiate precise searches with keywords. Images and keywords are what make Pinterest tick.

It brings business differently

Evergreen content will continue to drive targeted organic traffic to your site for months and years to come, unlike Twitter (minutes) or Facebook (hours). What’s more, Promoted Pins (Pinterest advertising) stay on Pinterest after you have stopped paying for them and will continue to generate organic traffic. Use the right keywords in the right places and you will even get your Pinterest profile appearing on the first page of Google. If you know how.

So how does this work fora business like yours?

How Pinterest Gets You Business – Marketing on Pinterest

A Success Story

How Christine uses Pinterest for her business

Christine is a business coach for wellness entrepreneurs. She has a website where she regularly publishes advice related to that topic. She designed a Pinterest page with boards that attract her target customers. She regularly shares images on Pinterest with a link that leads back to the advice on her website. The images she posts on Pinterest contain compelling text that make people want to learn more, so they pay a visit to her website to read her tips and advice. This is targeted traffic from people who may decide to sign up for her mailing list. Some will go on to buy her services or products.

She also repins useful information published by others. Repinning, by the way, is the act of sharing existing pins on Pinterest. These people reciprocate by saving her images to their boards. Elsewhere, people that specifically search for information about wellness topics and activities also save Christine’s images to their boards for future reference. The more her images are saved to different boards, the greater her chances of appearing towards the top of Pinterest search results. 

As her content is spreading on Pinterest, more and more people engage with it (i.e. click on the image and/or click through to her website). It may even start turning up in people’s home feed. As long as her content continues to get engagement on Pinterest, her advice will turn up in search results. For weeks, months and years to come. 

Oh, and thanks to Pinterest, Christine’s business also appears on the first page of Google.

Image Solene

“Even with a low number of followers we manage to get sales”

“I discovered your blog on Pinterest and I follow your advice closely to grow our company’s Pinterest account (e-commerce website). Even with a low number of followers we manage to get sales. Thank you for your work.”

Solène Gignet  //  Product Manager – Marketing & Communication

It’s all about engagement…

Design your structure well.Continue to feed it with content.Put strategies in place to spread your content and extend your reach.Get targeted traffic.

Mary Lumley - Pinterest Marketing Consultant


Let’s create the next Pinterest success story. Together.


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MARKETING ON PINTEREST IS LIKE PLANTING A GARDEN. The results are not immediate. It is not like other platforms. People use it differently. It brings business differently. Learn how to get business with Pinterest. Pinterest Marketing for Entrepreneurs & Businesses BornToBeSocial - Conversion Focused Pinterest Marketing | Coaching & Consulting

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