Attract Your Ideal Client – How to Grow Your Tribe on Pinterest! – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest
ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL CLIENT – HOW TO GROW YOUR TRIBE ON PINTEREST! – As a business owner you want to attract pinners that are interested in your product or service. So how do you go about attracting the right kind of followers? The folks that will visit your website to buy your product, sign up for your mailing list or bookmark your site for a future purchase? Read on to find out! | via @BornToBeSocial, Pinterest Marketing & Consulting | Pinterest for Business #ExpertPinterest #PinterestForBusiness #PinterestMarketingTips #Pinterest

Attract Your Ideal Client – How to Grow Your Tribe on Pinterest!

Attract Your Ideal Client – How to Grow Your Tribe on Pinterest! – One of the questions I get asked most frequently is: How do I attract the right kind of follower on Pinterest? As a business owner you want to attract pinners that are interested in your product or service. So how do you go about attracting the right kind of followers? The folks that will visit your website to buy your product, sign up for your mailing list or bookmark your site for a future purchase?

Build a Pinterest Page that Drives TARGETED TRAFFIC.

Learn how to build a PERFECT Pinterest page that attracts YOUR DREAM CLIENTS. Get instant access to a 10-page Pinterest for Business Page Builder Pack when you subscribe to our Pinterest Marketing e-mails. Sign up for regular expert tips & advice to convert your pins into clicks to your website!

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Pinterest is about knowing your ideal clients and what type of information they are searching for. Your Pinterest account is ALL about your ideal client and what they want. If you want to be successful on Pinterest, you need to know:Your audience – Who is your ideal customer? What do you know about them? Where do they hang out on Pinterest (do some group & keyword research) or other platforms? How are you going to inspire them? How are you going to connect with them?Your keywords – What would a typical client search for when they are looking for your product or service? Use these keywords in your profile, board and pin descriptions. I cover keyword SEO in more detail in What Every Business Should Know About Pinterest SEO – Part 1.

Tactics and best practices to grow a list of targeted followers

Follow other Pinners who are in your industry or related industries, since you are likely to have similar ideal clients. You can take a look at their followers and find similar accounts and start following them. If a Pinner has a mix of board topics, only follow the specific boards that would be of interest to your ideal client.

A great benefit of following like-minded people is that you can see what visual content is popular in your niche. Finding content to re-pin also becomes easier if you are following other users that pin similar images.Strategically join group boards – join boards that are focused on your industry AND have high re-pin numbers. They are a great way to get your pins seen by your target audience. Currently, there is no easy way to search for them on Pinterest. Pingroupieis a great resource to help you find group boards. Sort by repins and select boards with the highest number of repins. The latter is a good indicator of board engagement levels.

Check “Your Audience” in Pinterest Analytics to see what your audience’s interests are and pin around those topics.Create helpful How-To boards related to your activity. People are always looking for tips and new ideas on Pinterest.Create boards that match the interests of your clients. To attract potential customers to your Pinterest page and ultimately your website, you should create boards that naturally align with their areas of interest.Get into the habit of pinning regularly. Pinning consistently will allow you to grow your views and followers over time, similar to how blogging will consistently send you more long tail SEO traffic over time. It also keeps your followers engaged.

Your Website

Add a Follow Me on Pinterest button on every page of your blog.

Add a Board widget on every blog post and on other pages of your site, so that anyone visiting your site is tempted to look at your Pinterest page and perhaps even follow you.Make sure you have an e-mail sign-up box (with attractive freebie) for interested pinners that click through to your site.

Growing a targeted following on Pinterest takes time. However, by following the guidelines above and maintaining regular pinning activity, Pinterest can be turned into a significant traffic driver and marketing tool for any business site.

Are you leveraging Pinterest’s marketing power yet? Leave me a comment below, I would love to hear how it is working for your business!

Mary Lumley - Pinterest Marketing Consultant


Let’s create the next Pinterest success story.Together.

ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL CLIENT – HOW TO GROW YOUR TRIBE ON PINTEREST! – As a business owner you want to attract pinners that are interested in your product or service. So how do you go about attracting the right kind of followers? Read on to find out! | via @BornToBeSocial, Pinterest Marketing & Consulting | Pinterest for Business #ExpertPinterest #PinterestForBusiness #PinterestMarketingTips #Pinterest

​Mary Lumley | BornToBeSocial – Conversion Focused Pinterest Marketing | Consulting | ConseilAttract Your Ideal Client – How to Grow Your Tribe on Pinterest!

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