How to Drive TARGETED (& Free!) SITE TRAFFIC with Pinterest – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest
Pinterest for Business Page Builder Pack! A 10-page guide to help you build a Pinterest page that will attract your perfect clients and get more traffic to your website | - Pinterest Marketing & Consulting

How to Drive TARGETED (& Free!) SITE TRAFFIC with Pinterest

How to Drive TARGETED (& Free!) SITE TRAFFIC with Pinterest! With the constant decrease in the reach of Facebook pages, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get your blog articles and offers seen by your audience for free. Pinterest is a great place to publish your content and inspire pinners to click through to your website and even share your content with others. Wondering how you can make Pinterest work for your business? How do you set up your Pinterest page to drive a targeted audience to your website? Here’s some very practical advice to build a Pinterest page that will send you highly targeted traffic.

Build a Pinterest Page that Drives TARGETED TRAFFIC.

Learn how to build a PERFECT Pinterest page that attracts YOUR DREAM CLIENTS. Get instant access to a 10-page Pinterest for Business Page Builder Pack when you subscribe to our Pinterest Marketing e-mails. Sign up for regular expert tips & advice to convert your pins into clicks to your website!

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Key elements of a Pinterest page that will attract your ideal customer:

  1. You need a Pinterest Business account. Don’t have a business account? Go to How to Launch Your Pinterest Business Account in 3 Easy Steps.
  2. Perfect knowledge of the desires and needs of your target audience. This is absolutely essential, so that you can create boards that match the exact interests of your ideal customer.
  3. Create quality content designed to address your customers needs.
  4. Know the exact keywords your potential customers use to search, because Pinterest is a search engine.
  5. Share and publish quality images in vertical format.
  6. Have an active presence on Pinterest (i.e. regularly pin your owncontent and repin that of other pinners).
  7. Be patient…

Pinterest is a search engine

Pinterest is a gigantic search engine organised around areas of interest. Think of it as Google with very pretty pictures. People roam around on Pinterest in search of ideas, practical advice. They seek to be inspired. For a targeted search, the keywords used by searchers to look for content are extremely important. However, the big difference with Google is that the search results on Pinterest always show images rather than text results. The image determines whether someone decides to click to access, save or purchase the content. Not only do you need to use the right keywords, you also have to seduce people with an attractive image to make them want to engage with your content.

Optimise your keywords

What keywords would your target audience use when searching for your product or service? Use these keywords in:

  • your profile description
  • board descriptions
  • pin descriptions

Keywords play a vital role. They optimise your content for Pinterest searches and increase the likelihood of appearing in Pinner feeds. In addition, it is likely to improve your SEO on Google, since Pinterest ranks well in Google search results.

So how do you identify the best keywords to use on Pinterest? Download the Pinterest Page Builder Pack to find out.

Pinterest for Business Page Builder Pack! A 10-page guide to help you build a Pinterest page that will attract your perfect clients and get more traffic to your website | - Pinterest Marketing & Consulting

Patience is a virtue…

Do not expect quick results. It may take a few months before you start getting results with Pinterest. However, once you start getting some traction, it tends to snowball, bringing you website traffic, leads and sales for months and even years to come. Even if, one day, you decide to stop pinning. I bet you won’t though 😉

So, ready to get business with Pinterest and drive more traffic to your website from a targeted audience? For practical and detailed guidelines download the 10-page Pinterest Page Builder Pack.

Mary Lumley - Pinterest Marketing Consultant


Let’s create the next Pinterest success story.Together.

Build a Pinterest Page that Drives TARGETED (& Free!) SITE TRAFFIC. Learn how to build a PERFECT Pinterest page that attracts your ideal client and sends highly targeted traffic to your website. | via @BornToBeSocial, Pinterest Marketing & Consulting | Pinterest for Business #ExpertPinterest #PinterestForBusiness #PinterestMarketingTips #PinterestBuild a Pinterest Profile that Drives TARGETED (& Free!) SITE TRAFFIC.  Learn how to increase traffic to your website with these Pinterest Marketing Tips. Pinterest Marketing Strategies that will attract your ideal client and send you highly targeted traffic. | via @BornToBeSocial, Pinterest Marketing & Consulting | Pinterest for Business #ExpertPinterest #PinterestForBusiness #PinterestMarketingTips #PinterestHow to Drive TARGETED (& Free!) SITE TRAFFIC with Pinterest. Pinterest tips to convert followers into clients for your business. Here’s how you attract your ideal clients with Pinterest. | via @BornToBeSocial - Pinterest Marketing for Entrepreneurs & Businesses | Conversion Focused Pinterest Marketing | Coaching & ConsultingGET YOUR PINTEREST PAGE INTO SHAPE! Pinterest activity tends to slow down during summer. Make the most of it and get your account tip-top shape before the busy season starts again. Here’s your guide to creating a Pinterest Page that Drives TARGETED TRAFFIC #pinteresttips #digitalmarketing #socialmediatips #contentmarketing #borntobesocial

Mary Lumley | BornToBeSocial – Conversion Focused Pinterest Marketing | Consulting & CoachingHow to Drive TARGETED (& Free!) SITE TRAFFIC with Pinterest

Leave a Comment:

Damir Radovic says 16 April 2018

This is great, Mary! Basically, like everything rest – if you do it with quality in mind, you cannot fail. Still, I’ve never really thought of Pinterest in this way. I will definitely take a more in-depth look at using it to drive traffic.

    Mary Lumley says 16 April 2018

    Thanks, Damir! Glad you found it helpful. I highly recommend leveraging blog articles to drive traffic with Pinterest.

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