How to Get Ready for Business on Pinterest – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest
Here’s how to create a Pinterest page that will generate traffic and leads.

How to Get Ready for Business on Pinterest

If you are looking for longterm marketing opportunities, then Pinterest is the place for you! Where else can you get traffic from something that you created years ago…? And if you think that Pinterest is just a place where people go for recipes and home decoration ideas, you’re wrong! You will struggle to find an industry that is not on Pinterest. On Pinterest, people are looking for ideas or are trying to figure out solutions to their problems. So get ready to share your ideas and solutions. Here’s how to create a Pinterest page that brings you business.

How to get ready for business on Pinterest

If you’re interested to sign up for the 5 Days to Get Ready for Business on Pinterest e-mail course you must have a Pinterest business account. The creation of a business account is not covered in the course. Below, I explain in detail how to create a business account in 3 easy steps. If you already have a personal Pinterest account, you need to decide if you are going to convert it to a business account or create a new business account. It’s free and offers valuable insights and additional functionality. Setting it up is easy! 🙂

Here’s how.

5 Days to Create a Pinterest Page That Generates Traffic & Leads!

Get instant access to a 5-Day e-mail course to learn how to build a conversion focused Pinterest page for your business.

After you’ve set up your business account, learn how to build a Pinterest page that brings you business! 

* FREE 5-Day Pinterest for Business Course *

FREE Pinterest Course: 5 Days to Get Ready for Business with Pinterest! Here’s how to create a Pinterest page that will generate traffic and leads. Pinterest for business. #pinterestcourse  #pinteresttips #pinterestforbusiness #borntobesocial

How to create a Pinterest business account in 3 easy steps

A business account gives you…

  • Access to Pinterest Analytics – a mine of valuable business information providing you with insights about your Pinterest audience, your best pins and how it drives traffic to your website.
  • The possibility to add a rotating showcase at the top of your page where you can feature up to 5 of your boards.
  • Access to Pinterest Ads – Currently only available in US, Canada, UK, Ireland, France, Australia & New Zealand.
  • Meaningful metrics directly visible on your pins – A new stats icon on each of your Pins gives you (and only you) a preview of that Pin’s total engagements.

Step 1 – Create a Pinterest account (or convert it)

Do you already have an account, but are unsure if it is a business account? Do you have the word “Analytics” showing just to the left of the search bar at the top your Pinterest page? If so, you’re all set! Go straight to Step 2 to edit your profile. If not, go to the Pinterest Business portal and follow the instructions below:

1. Click on “Join as a business”

If you already have a personal account, you can convert it to a business account here if you wish. Converting to a business profile will not affect your pins, boards, and followers in any way, but will give you access to valuable data for your business.

2. Follow the steps to create your business account

At the time of writing this article, the Pinterest account creation process counts 8 steps. The process is regularly updated, so over time the actual steps may vary slightly. Pinterest always keeps the overall process easy to follow:

  1. Enter an e-mail address and password to sign up. If you are based in a location where Pinterest ads are available, you may also be requested to specify the currency you wish to billed in. You need to choose this carefully, because it is not possible to change this later.
  2. Pick your language and country
  3. Provide a name for your business account and indicate the type of business.  The name you provide will appear in bold letters at the top of your page. It can be modified at any time.
  4. Provide a link to your website.
  5. Connect to other platforms. Currently, it’s possible to link to Instagram, Etsy and YouTube.
  6. Indicate if you plan to use Pinterest advertising some time in the future.
  7. Choose a topic that best describes your business. 
  8. You have the option to install a browser button for quick pinning.

Step 2 – Optimize your Profile

On your Pinterest Home Page, go to MY PROFILE and select SETTINGS:

How to update Pinterest Profile

Click on PROFILE and fill in all the fields:

Optimize Pinterest Profile

Follow these guidelines to set up your Pinterest profile:

BUSINESS NAME |This is the title that will appear in bold at the top of your profile box. You can use up to 30 characters. Enter your business name and, if possible, include any keywords to increase Pinterest SEO. Align the information in this field with the search terms people may use to find you.

PICTURE |Add your logo or personal picture here. To display a professional image of your business, any photo portraits should be taken by a professional photographer. The recommended picture size is 165 x 165 pixels.

USERNAME | Think carefully what you will put here. This is the name that will appear in your Pinterest URL. You could just add your company name here. However, it may be worth including a keyword that describes your business.

When doing a search on Pinterest or any other search engine, most people will search for a keyword rather than a business name. For example, if you are a garden designer named John Smith, then you may want to consider JS_Garden_Design rather than JohnSmith as user name. Note that you are limited to 15 characters and many names are already taken, but it is worth giving this some creative thought.

ABOUT YOU | This is the description in the profile box that appears at the top of your Pinterest page. You have up to 160 characters at your disposal to describe your business and entice people to follow you on Pinterest. Again, use keywords in your description for SEO optimisation.

LOCATION | Enter your geographical location.

FEATURED BOARDS | With a Pinterest business account you have the possibility of featuring a rotating showcase of your best boards at the top of your Pinterest page! You can choose up to five of your boards to feature. You can update your featured boards as often as you want to highlight what’s new, what’s on sale or whatever else makes sense for your business.

Step 3 – Claim your website and other accounts

Claim your website

It is very important to claim your website:

  • Once your website has been confirmed, you will see your logo or profile picture on pins that people saved from your site.
  • It activates Pinterest Analytics for your website and gives you access to Pinterest ads (only if available for your location).

Claim your Instagram, Etsy or YouTube accounts if you have any. This allows you to connect other platforms where you create content to your Pinterest account. This will give you:

  • Statistics for each pin that gets shared on Pinterest directly from these platforms.
  • Attribution on all Pins coming from your claimed account—this means your profile picture will show on all the Pins you and others save from your Instagram, Etsy, or YouTube accounts.

What’s next?

Now that you have set up your business account, it’s time to build your Pinterest page. To generate business with Pinterest you need to optimize your Pinterest page, add content strategically and pin consistently. Sign up for 5 Days to Get Ready for Business to get started!

5 Days to Create a Pinterest Page That Generates Traffic & Leads!

Get instant access to a 5-Day e-mail course to learn how to build a conversion focused Pinterest page for your business.

Now that you have created your business account, let me show you how to build a Pinterest page that brings you business!

* FREE 5-Day Pinterest for Business Course *

FREE Pinterest Course: 5 Days to Get Ready for Business with Pinterest! Here’s how to create a Pinterest page that will generate traffic and leads. Pinterest for business. #pinterestcourse  #pinteresttips #pinterestforbusiness #borntobesocialMary Lumley - Pinterest Marketing Consultant


Let’s create the next Pinterest success story.Together.

Get Ready for Business with Pinterest! Learn how to create a Pinterest business account in 3 easy steps #pinteresttips #pinterestforbusiness #pinterestmarketing #borntobesocialHere's how to create a Pinterest page that brings you business. Everything you need to know for your business to successfully use Pinterest.   #pinterestmarketing #pinterestbusiness #borntobesocial

Mary Lumley | BornToBeSocial – Conversion Focused Pinterest Marketing | Consulting & CoachingHow to get ready for business on Pinterest

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