Pinterest Analytics – Ignore This (FREE!) Tool at Your Own Peril… – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest
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Pinterest Analytics – Ignore This (FREE!) Tool at Your Own Peril…

Pinterest Analytics – Ignore This (FREE!) Tool at Your Own Peril… – If you have a Pinterest business account, you are probably familiar with Pinterest Analytics. This free tool, which is only available to business accounts, is a mine of valuable business information providing you with insights about your Pinterest audience, your best pins and how it drives traffic to your website. It helps you find out what works well and identify areas for improvement. There is a lot of data at your disposal. Here are some key points for each data category to get you started.

Pinterest Analytics Dashboard

On the analytics dashboard there are 3 main categories of data:

  1. Your Pinterest profile
  2. Your audience
  3. Activity from your website

I will cover each of these categories below.

Your Pinterest Profile

Take a look at your Top Pin Impressions from the last 30 days.  What insights can you gain?  Do they contain your own website content or mainly content from other pinners? Investigate the top repins and try to work out why they are so successful. Inspect the images, view the descriptions. What is encouraging people to repin them?  It is interesting to take a closer look at a few of your top pins and see to which type of board they are being pinned. This may give you fresh ideas on your audience, but also on how to market your service or product differently.

Although repins are important for brand visibility, ultimately, you want people to click through and pay a visit to your website. This is where the Clicks metric comes in: it shows the number of visits to your website from Pinterest over a selected period. In most cases you will find that the number of repins for a pin is higher than the number of clicks, but sometimes pins get more clicks than repins. If that is the case, you are on the right track! If a pin is not attracting many clicks, try improving the image and/or the call-to-action.

In the tab labled All-time, the Best in Search KPI shows you which of your pins rank highest in search results. Use this information to hone your descriptions and emphasise keywords which help people find your pins and products.

Your Audience

The audience dashboard contains two sections: Demographics and Interests. The Demographics data tells you the origin of your audience, for the last 30 days, in terms of country, language, gender & metropolitan region (US only).  Since this is snapshot data, I recommend exporting this data each month to see how your audience evolves.

By doing this, I discovered a significant drop in my US audience over the last three months and a higher than usual increase in French audience figures. Since I have not made any major changes to my pinning habits, my guess is that there has been some change in the Pinterest Smartfeed algorithm which has strongly impacted my US visibility. Having this information at my fingertips, allows me to be aware and take corrective action when necessary.

The tab Interests shows you the top 20 boards that contain a lot of your pins. The owners of these boards appreciate your content and repin it frequently.  They help you gain visibility. Return their generosity by repinning some of their content too and follow them or some of their boards. In addition to your “brand ambassadors”, the Interests dashboard also shows you other Pinterest business accounts that your audience follows.

Activity from your website

Here you can see what is happening with the pins from your website. You can verify what kind of devices are used to engage with your content and adapt your content accordingly.  Find out how many pins link back to your site, how many clicks those pins get, which pins get the most impressions, etc.

Compare the number of average daily impressions and average daily viewers on your Pinterest profile dashboard with that of the Activity from your website. The first dashboard shows figures for pins that you have pinned yourself, the second one shows content pinned by others that leads back directly to your website.  This is a great indicator as to how interested people are in your content.

Assess the Top Pin Impressions to see whose repins are generating high numbers of impressions for you. You need to click on the pin to see the originator.  Repin their content in return and thank them for repinning yours. By repinning content for others and generating impressions for them, you may also get noticed as an influencer when they verify their analytics.

Take a look at Clicks to see which of your pins are generating clicks back to your website. Again, click through to see who pinned this directly from your site. Check Original Pins to find out what new pins are being created directly from your website.

Export your data

On each Pinterest Analytics page you can opt to export the data to a CSV file. Capturing your data in a spreadsheet allows you to analyse your results over time and see what is best for attracting visitors and driving sales.

Over to you! Get the most of this free tool that provides you with valuable data about your Pinterest content and audience. Monitor it regularly and use it to refine your Pinterest strategy.

Do you analyse Pinterest data with Pinterest Analytics on a regular basis?  What data do you find most valuable?  Share your tips and insights in the comments below.  I would love to hear from you!

PINTEREST ANALYTICS - IGNORE THIS (FREE!) TOOL AT YOUR OWN PERIL... - This free tool is a mine of valuable business information providing you with insights about your Pinterest audience, your best pins and how it drives traffic to your website. Here are some key points to get you started. | via #BornToBeSocial

Mary Lumley | BornToBeSocial | Pinterest Marketing, Consulting & Training | Conseil Pinterest
Pinterest Analytics – Ignore This (FREE!) Tool at Your Own Peril! | Pin to Win Business!

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