Pinterest Case Studies – How the Pros Drive and Convert Traffic – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest
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Pinterest Case Studies – How the Pros Drive and Convert Traffic

Pinterest Case Studies – How the Pros Drive and Convert Traffic – Pinterest regularly publishes case studies showcasing how brands use Pinterest to successfully drive traffic to their website and convert this traffic. This article highlights some of the visual marketing tactics used by brands to successfully engage with their audience. Read on for the tips, techniques and strategies that have proven highly rewarding.

Visual Marketing – Image Tactics That Work

  • For Zola, an online wedding registry, creating beautiful and useful pins is one of the main focus areas of their Pinterest strategy. High-quality photographs, vertically oriented images and tasteful logos is one of the secrets of their Pinterest success.

  • Pura Vida sell bracelets handmade by Costa Rican artisans. Vertical lifestyle and product shots shown in pairs work well for them.

  • Ziploc’s most shared pins are those that show self-contained tips (no clickthrough required), surprising product usage and seasonal relevance.

  • The team found that adding text to their home advice images increases engagement significantly. It helps pinners to understand the content in one quick glance.

  • EatSmarter, a German food publishing company, create before-and-after images showing recipe ingredients and the final result as a way to drive engagement.

Content Optimisation – Tips for Pinterest Success

  • Simple Mills, a company that sells almond flour baking mixes, engage with their audience by providing a very diverse collection of boards (recipes, lifestyle pins, recipes from their favourite bloggers). Pinners tend to save pins from multiple boards in a single visit due to the variety of content.

  • Film4, one of the largest UK film channels, analyse what people search for on Pinterest and build up content based around those interests. They publish timely content to their boards that inspires pinners to take action by checking out Film4’s website and TV channel.

  • Dot & Bo, a furnishing company, curate boards with helpful content based on colours, trends and design inspiration. The content that is being repinned from their Pinterest page helps them to spot trends and may influence their business focus.

  • Zola found that adding detailed descriptions that include a strong call to action (CTA) increased conversion rates by 100%.

Audience Targeting Techniques

Many of the brands that feature in these case studies use Promoted Pins to reach their target audience. Currently, Promoted Pins are only available in the US. However, some of the techniques used to target audiences can be applied to any type of pin to improve the chances of getting your pin seen in pinners’ feeds. Here are 3 examples:

  • Using relevant terms that connect with the target audience, such as “wedding planning” and “registry ideas” has helped drive successful performance for Zola. Do the same for your pin and board descriptions. Revisit these terms from time to time, removing and editing low performers.

  • The team found that a men are a large part of their audience. Their “How to” board is particularly popular with the male audience, so they take particular care to regularly add new content. Use Pinterest Analytics to check out the demographics of your audience and your most popular boards. Adjust your content accordingly.

  • To attract everyone from James Bond fans to horror aficionados, Film4 pin a wide range of movie content. They post pins not just from their own site, but from all over the web. Be generous in sharing content from other pinners or websites – apply the 80/20 principle.

Pinterest Toolbox

Brands support their Pinterest activities with a range of tools that help them increase their reach, get insights and measure their success.

  • Walgreens looks at Pinterest Analytics to get a complete picture of how they’re doing on Pinterest. “… being able to see what consumers are pinning, searching for and trends they’re creating helps us provide useful content and information back to our customers for the things that matter most to them.“ They also promote their boards in e-mail campaigns to expand their Pinterest presence.

  • For EatSmarter and Dot & Bo, adding the Pin It button and the on-hover Pin It button to their website, led more and more people to save their content to Pinterest.  They also use Pinterest widgets on their websites to promote their Pinterest profile and boards. EatSmarter use Pinterest Analytics every week to spot trends.  Their editorial content is influenced by pins that get a high number of repins.

  • The team uses Tailwind, a Pin Scheduler, to make sure they pin the right number of images each day at peak times.  Like Walgreens, they check Pinterest Analytics data to keep an eye on what is resonating with pinners and to guide them on what they should pin next.

Are you inspired by the Pinterest success of these brands?  Are you going to try out any of their techniques?  Let me know in the comments below.

PINTEREST CASE STUDIES – HOW THE PROS DRIVE AND CONVERT TRAFFIC - Pinterest regularly publishes case studies showcasing how brands use Pinterest to successfully drive traffic to their website and convert this traffic. This article highlights some of the visual marketing tactics used by brands to successfully engage with their audience. Here are some tips, techniques and strategies that have proven highly rewarding. | via #BornToBeSocial

Pinterest case study source:

Mary Lumley | BornToBeSocial | Pinterest Marketing, Consulting & Training | Conseil | France
Pinterest Case Studies – How the Pros Drive and Convert Traffic | Pin to Win Business!

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