Pinterest Conversion Coach Signup – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest

Pinterest Conversion Coach Signup

Diversify your marketing. Get highly targeted traffic.Convert pins into clicks!

Conversion Focused Pinterest Marketing

Diversify your marketing. Get highly targeted traffic.Convert pins into clicks!

Conversion focused Pinterest marketing

Pinterest Speed Coach

6 months of unlimited Pinterest coaching

Ready to start?

  • checkThis coaching offer is for live one-on-one coaching with Mary. We meet via Zoom for 15 minutes whenever you need Pinterest assistance and agree on homework to move you forward.
  • checkYou can schedule as many 15 minute speed coaching sessions as you wish over the next 6 months, but you must complete your homework before scheduling your next call. 
  • checkYou get unlimited e-mail support in between calls (weekdays, response within 24 hrs). If you have any questions or are stuck with your homework, you just send me an e-mail.
  • checkAfter each call you will receive a recording of our call, a confirmation of your homework and a link to schedule our next call once your homework is complete.
  • checkYou schedule each call through the online calendar – at least 48 hours in advance.
  • checkYou can re-schedule the call at no cost through the online calendar max 48 hours before the call.

If during the first (30 minute) call, you decide this is not for you, I offer a refund for the cost of the 6-month subscription minus a 90€ charge for the first call.

Mary Lumley - Pinterest Marketing Consultant

Mary Lumley 

I LOVE helping business owners grow their site traffic and attract new clients through Pinterest. I would love to help you get results from Pinterest. That is what drives me. If you’re happy, I’m happy!

Let’s build your Pinterest success story.

© 2018 BornToBeSocial – All rights reserved Mary Lumley | Pinterest Marketing & Consulting