Pinterest SEO: What Every Business Should Know – Part 2 – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest
SEO Pinterest : Comment l'optimiser pour votre business ! - Partie 2 | Born To Be Social

Pinterest SEO: What Every Business Should Know – Part 2

Pinterest SEO: What Every Business Should Know – Part 2 – If you have a Pinterest business account and you want to make sure your pins get found, you need to optimise your Pinterest SEO. Besides keyword, category and interest tactics, discussed in Part 1, there are many other ways to optimise Pinterest SEO for business.

In Part 2, I will explain the importance of building authority on Pinterest, rich pins, back linking, file names and group boards. Read on to find out what every business should know about Pinterest SEO.

Verify your website & build authority

Verifying your website tells Pinterest and other search engines that you are the legitimate website owner and that the links and content from that profile can be trusted. It does not take long to do and will have a large impact on how well Pinterest can help you in search.  You can verify a website on one Pinterest profile only.  Verified Pinterest accounts have more authority in Pinterest search and also gives you access to Pinterest Analytics.

There are other ways to build more Pinterest authority.  For example, the more pins you get from your website, the better your ranking in the Pinterest search results. Make it easy for your website visitors to pin directly from your site. Installing the Pin It button on your website is one way to increase pins.

If you have not already done so, add a Pinterest follow button as well. Getting more followers is another way to increase your authority and ranking.  More followers, especially engaged pinners that interact with your pins, mean higher authority for your profile and boards, and more chance that your pins will rank highly in Pinterest search.

Set up Rich Pins

Rich pins pull meta-data from your website that is then displayed on Pinterest. They get a better search rank and are more visible in Pinterest users’ feeds resulting in a higher click-through rate. Rich pins are also likely to improve your search results on Google, because rich snippets generated by other search engines use the same mark-up as Pinterest.

Create group boards

Inviting others to pin to your boards will place your board on their Pinterest page (if they accept the invitation), giving you greater visibility.  It also sends a signal to search engines that the board is supported by multiple people, thus giving it more trust value.  Boards that are shared and that draw content from multiple sources increase trust value and these types of board rank well for Pinterest keyword searches and on other search engines.

Link back to your website whenever possible

Add relevant links to your website or blog in Pinterest captions and descriptions.  Even though Pinterest backlinks are “No Follow”, adding a link to your website in pin descriptions helps to build traffic.  Each time people repin your posts they generate additional backlinks for you. For maximum exposure link back to your main website whenever you can. Always link your pins to the web page they originate from.

Mind your image file names and Alt tags!

Make sure that the file names of the images that you post on Pinterest include keywords and clearly describe your topic. Search engines read file names and Alt tags.  For example, a blog post about your favourite business books should read something like my-favourite-business-books.jpg rather than image_000024567332.jpg.

Image file readability will impact search engine visibility.  Always use a hyphen “-” rather than an underscore “_” between words.  Hyphens are used as word separators by search engines, while underscores do not have any specific function.  Also be aware that Pinterest picks up the Alt tag as description for your pin.

Last but not least…

Check in your account settings that “Search Privacy” is set to “No”.  Many of your SEO efforts will be in vain if your Pinterest profile is prevented from showing up in results of other search engines.

Make sure your website is mobile friendly.  Recent research by Luth Research for ExactTarget showed that 75% of Pinterest traffic is via a mobile device and 83% of which is via a smartphone (US).

Have you optimised Pinterest for SEO? Have you seen any results? Leave me a comment. I would love to know!

What Every Business Should Know About Pinterest SEO - Part 2 | via #BornToBeSocial

Mary Lumley | BornToBeSocial | Pinterest Marketing, Consulting & Training | Conseil Pinterest
What Every Business Should Know About Pinterest SEO – Part 2 | Pin to Win Business!

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accessoires auto says 23 September 2017

Bonjour et merci pour ce site fort intéressant :))

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