Pinterest: Why Secret Boards Are Good For Business – – Pinterest Expert | Spécialiste Pinterest
Pinterest - Pourquoi les pros adorent les tableaux secrets

Pinterest: Why Secret Boards Are Good For Business

Pinterest: Why Secret Boards Are Good For Business – Secret boards are one of the most useful Pinterest features. They are your secret business weapon to help you plan, research, collect and coordinate behind the scenes. If Pinterest secret boards are a bit of a mystery to you, read on to discover how any business can benefit from this discrete, but very useful feature.

What are secret boards?

As their name indicates, they are hidden from the public view. Only the board owner and anyone who may have been invited to share information on this board can see the content. As opposed to regular boards, no notifications are sent to other users when something is pinned, except to pinners who have been specially invited to pin to the secret board. Last year, Pinterest removed the limit of 6 secret boards, so you can create as many of them as you like. You can make a secret board available for public viewing whenever you want. Note that the reverse is not possible. Once it has been made public, the only way to remove it from public view is to delete it.

How can secret boards be used for business?

Preparation – Secret boards are a great tool to prepare new boards. You can add the pins, see how the board looks without worrying about incomplete content being publicly visible. When you are ready, share them with the rest of the world.  Much more professional! Adding boards this way also has the benefit of not spamming followers by adding several pins in a short amount of time.

This method is very useful for marketers when creating and designing a Pinterest marketing campaign, for example, or for social media managers setting up a new Pinterest account for a client.

Collaboration & Planning – Since these private boards on Pinterest can be shared with others, they provide a great platform to brainstorm ideas, plan events, collect information.  They can also be used for sharing information with your team, pinning ideas and inspiration for future products or services, planning a business event, collecting ideas, getting visual input from clients, creating vision boards, collaborate with bloggers… the possibilities are endless.

Customer Relationship Building – How about giving your best customers, exclusive access to a board where you share information about special offers, industry news, previews, etc before sharing it with a wider audience? Added bonus: it provides a new networking channel for your customers!

Content Curation – If you come across interesting pins, but you do not want to pin them immediately, a secret board is a great place to park them. You could create boards for different types of content and pin them onto a public board some time in the future.  This can equally be applied to secret group boards. Brands can have board contributors store content waiting for approval to be posted on to other social networks.

Competitor Research – Keep an eye on the competition without getting noticed. You can pin as much as you want from a particular website or Pinterest account without leaving a trace.  Very handy when you are gathering intelligence and prefer to keep a low profile.

Build customer profiles.  Pin the desires, lifestyle, hobbies and goals of your ideal consumer onto persona boards to get to know your target audience better.

Market Research – How about looking out for pins in your market segment that get a high number of repins and posting them on a secret board? It would give you great insight into what kind of topics are popular and what kind of images get shared most often. Another approach would be to pin images or graphic designs to a secret Pinterest board and ask customers or a target audience to comment and vote on their favourites.

These are just a few examples showing you how secret boards can be an integral part of your social media strategy. As Pinterest stated in a blogpost when unlimited secret boards were launched:

“With unlimited secret boards, there’s no limit to the number of ways for you to plan, contemplate, practice and explore all the things you want to do. Go ahead, keep it a secret. We won’t tell.”

Do you use secret boards for your business? Do you use them in other creative ways? Leave me a comment. I would love to hear your ideas!

PINTEREST: WHY SECRET BOARDS ARE GOOD FOR BUSINESS. Secret boards are one of the most useful Pinterest features. They are your secret business weapon to help you plan, research, collect and coordinate behind the scenes. Discover how any business can benefit from this discrete, but very useful feature! | via #BornToBeSocial

Mary Lumley | BornToBeSocial | Pinterest Marketing, Consulting & Training | Conseil Pinterest
Pinterest: Why Brands & Businesses Love Secret Boards | Pin to Win Business!

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